TangTing Village

An Emerging Tourist Destination

About TangTing

TangTing is a beautiful village in the North East of Pokhara City in West Nepal. It is an emerging tourist destination which is becoming very popular amongst domestic and international tourists.

TangTing can be reached just 2 hours drive from Pokhara. There are public bus services available twice a day- in the morning and afternoon from the station; Kahukhola Pokhara.

About Krapu Choh

Krapu Choh also known as Krapu Danda in Nepali Language and Gurung Hill in English is an emerging famous tourism destination located in West Nepal. Krapu Choh is at an altitude of 3085 metres from sea level. Visitors can see and enjoy 360º view of mountain ranges mainly Mt. Annapurna 4, Mt. Fishtail and Mt. Dhaulagiri on the west, and Lamjung Himal and Ganesh to the north.

Krapu Choh became popular to both domestic and international tourists due to its easy access. It is just 4 Hrs drive from Pokhara city in West Nepal. It is not much favourable to visit the destination on monsoon season but it is always fantastic during summer seasons from August – May!

There are cottages available for visitors to stay in and foods are arranged on pre-demand.

Leisure at and around TangTing

There are plenty of leisures that a visitor can enjoy at and around TangTing. The most recommended one is to hike to Krapu Danda which is an hour and half drive up on the hill from TangTing.


Visitors can enjoy own camping or can stay in the tented houses managed by locals.


Photography and Videography of nature and culture are what most visitors enjoy of.


Hiking around the village is what most visitors do during their stay at TangTing.


Recently numbers of videos and vlogs had been made and created about TangTing and Krapu Danda which can be found or searched on YouTube. However, some of the selected ones are linked here….

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TangTing and Krapu Choh

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तस्बिरमा कास्कीको रमणिय पर्यटकिय गाउँ ताङतिङ

On April 15, 2023

नबिनबाबु गुरुङ । सेतोपाटी स्रोत- सेतोपाटी नेपालमा घुमफिरका लागि लोकप्रिय गन्तव्य हो कास्कीको ताङतिङ गाउँ । पोखरा सहरबाट २३ किलोमिटरको दूरीमा रहेको ताङतिङ गाउँ अन्तरिक तथा बाह्य पर्यटनको लागि उत्कृष्ट गन्तव्य हो । तमु गुरूङ

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Visitors had experienced and said these...

I enjoyed every minute at Krapu Choh. It is my fortunate to visit such an amazing place. I'll definitely recommend to all my family and friends to visit TangTing and Krapu.
Ritesh Karki
Stop everything, get ready to go to TangTing and Krapu Choh. You will thank me later. It was the best and memorable short trip i ever had until today. Highly recommended !
Miami Shrestha
It was my first time in TangTing and Krapu. What a special moment and memories with the students. Excellent place to learn about Gurung culture and traditions. Visit asap, you will never regret.
Ramesh Buda